Death on the Cross
Brother Edward shares a powerful message on five enemies of the Christian.
We need to die on the cross like Christ. Five times we must die on the cross (spiritual death) Only hope is when we see ourselves crucified with Jesus on the cross. Not enough to say Jesus Christ died for us. Dying spiritually gives us a victorious life. It does not mean that sin is eradicated from our life, but that we will have victory over it.
1. Self – Die to ourselves Gal 2:20 (Crucified alongside Jesus Christ, Christ lives in me and through me) My worst enemy can be myself. Our difficulty exists within us. One preacher said in each of us there lives a donkey if we don’t ride it, it will ride us. The Bible calls it the old man. When we become the new creation we are always struggling with the old man. Paul says we do know that the old man has been crucified and we have victory.
2. Law – Gal 2:19, 3:13 People cannot become holy by observing laws and rituals. The law can not change us We need deliverance from rules and regulations. Love Christ and do whatever you want.
3. World – Gal 5:24 Crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. World says do whatever gives you pleasure but this can be bondage. Need to crucify sinful desires.
4. Passions of the world – Gal 6:14 May I never boast except in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ. Wordly Christians, one who is so tightly attached to the world, feels at home with what the world has to offer. Paul considers himself dead on the cross to what the world has to offer.
5. Powers of darkness – Heb 2:13-14 Jesus shared in our humanity. Satan has been condemned and thrown out and Christ has transferred that victory to us.