Fives stories of Hope from Easter
Five Messages from Easter by Br. Charles:
- Hope in death.
- Jesus died and was resurrected
- Hope in any situation
- Never too late
2. Hope in grief
- Mary Magdelene took care of Jesus
- Grieving as she saw Jesus on the cross
- Took care of his needs
- First at his grave
- Taking care of his life in death, put spicess, anoint him
- Sees an empty tomb
- Saw the resurrected Jesus
- Death is not the end
- She has hope in her grief
3. Hope in fellowship
- Fellowship of the saints
- Brothers and sisters in Christ
- Cleopas and his fellow companion on the road to Emaneus
- Mary recognised Jesus when he called him by name
- Breaks bread and shares fellowship is a spiritual act
- Community aspect of the meal
- We sit together pray together.
4. Hope for those who doubt
- Nothing wrong with those who doubt
- Not in the upper room when Jesus appeared after the resurrection
- Thomas puts hands in side wounds and has hope in the midst of doubt.
- My Lord and my God
- Recognised that Jesus was God.
- Jesus is patient with those who doubt
- Walk with you to all those that believe
5. Hope for when we are full of shame
- Peter everybody knows
- Took the ear off the soldier (he was brave)
- Peter Denied Jesus and cried and sobbed.
- Ran away from the scene
- Ashamed and humiliated
- Jesus gave him a second chance
- Do you love me
- God of the second chance
- Jesus restored Peter’s honour and lifts us up.
- God does not hold grudges
- God does nto hold our disobedience against us.
- What a contrast of Jesus running back to Jesus compared with Judas.
- Judas couldn’t face his shame.
- We have hope when we are full of shame.
- God of second chances
Tell us of the love and that there is hope for everyone.
No one on earth needs to be hopeless because of the death and resurrection of the Lord.
He will pursue us until we bow our knee to Him.
God’s love will not give up on us.